Crayons Smart Kids School offers a well-rounded educational experience focusing on the holistic development of every student by inculcating a wide array of sports, performing arts, extra-curricular activities, and special events along with the academic curriculum. Our objective is to impart knowledge by inducing an enthusiasm to learn among the students, and encouraging them to apply their creativity to go beyond the boundaries of conventional learning. We emphasize on the individual qualities of every student, and work towards combining their personal abilities with the learning methodology at the schools.


At the Playgroup level, 2-year-old’s learn through Reggio-Emilia techniques, which is a time-tested Playway Method used successfully across the world. The Reggio-Emilia Approach advocates a hundred ways a child can communicate and the need to learn through experiences.

Play Group Programs

  • Hands-on discovery and exploration with exclusive
  • Developing language skills
  • Encouraging learning of new age skills
  • Engaging children physically, emotionally and socially
  • Shaping scientific thought in children


The Early Years Program at Crayons Smart Kids promotes age-appropriate, holistic development focusing on nurturing each child’s: communication & linguistic skills, creative expression and physical, self & social development.

Nursery Programs

  • Imparts essential life skills
  • Cultivates creativity & Develop curiosity
  • Improves imagination through Art and Music

Junior Kindergarten

At the Junior KG level, 4-year-old’s learn through Steiner techniques using the 3 R’s – Rhythm, Reverence, and Repetition; kinesthetic activities are used to help children learn math and writing of letters. Phonics and elocution are key components that enhance the child’s speech and spelling.

Junior KG Programs

  •  Special activities for developing language skills
  •  Age appropriate learning with exclusive learning tools Encourages      children to express their ideas, thoughts and feelings
  •  Allows children to grow at their own pace

Senior Kindergarten

At the Senior KG level, curriculum and pedagogy revolve around the emergent strategies of the early years and the purposeful acquisition and understanding of content. There is a concentrated emphasis on skills growth in the domains of literacy, numeracy and knowledge and understanding of the world around us.

Senior KG Programs

  • Building & enhancing vocabulary
  • Developing attention span
  • Innovative methods to enhance reading & writing with exclusive EuroKids Kits
  • Preparing children for primary school


Crayons Smart kids offers full-day and extended daycare facility for children between the ages of 6 months – 07 years. As we realize that these early years are not only joyful but also a period of rapid brain development where every day, every interaction and every engagement lays the foundation for all learning that is to follow.

  • Well structured, age appropriate curriculum for the early years
  • Numerous outdoor and indoor play zones
  • Well-lit, ventilated, temperature-controlled rooms, maintained in alignment with stringent safety and hygiene standards
  • CCTV cameras

Crayons Infant Care program provides best in class care for your child.